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Property Managers/Agents
We do allow Managers to advertise on our site but you will need to pass certain criteria and should contact us before registering.
The criteria are as follows:
- You must be the ONLY Manager/Agent acting for the properties advertised.
- You must operate in the local vicinity to your properties and have a direct relationship with the properties ie: you or one of your team must have visited the properties.
If yes to both of the above, you will need to provide verification that you are acting as manager by one of the ways listed below:
- You must have an established website for your agency on which the property is listed.
OR - You must have a paid advert for the property on one of the main listing sites which gives your name and contact details.
OR - You must provide verification from the property owner that you are acting as an agent for their property, such as an email accompanied by a utility bill for the property.
Property Managers/Agents with multiple properties should contact us before registering. Adverts will be published subject to verification and approval.