Villa near Florence
Villa Ref: 01127
Licence Number: FI003343
- Sleeps 10
- Catering Available
- 5 Bedrooms
- No Smoking
- 5 Bathrooms
- No Pets
- Relax and Calm
Huge swimmingpool
service like hotel - Car not essential
Nearest Airport: Florence (20km)
The Villa is spread out over one floor in which we find the entrance, the living room with fireplace, the dining area, the reading/study area, and the entertainment area containing a 75" led smart TV. Through a glass door in the living room we reach the part of the villa where the 5 bedrooms and 5 baths are located, each room is furnished with a wardrobe, air conditioning. Each bathroom includes a shower.
The dining area leads to a utility room where we find, the tea and coffee makers, a cupboard containing dishware, silverware and glassware; from the utility room we continue on into the kitchen, the land of the cooking art if you like this kind of job; the kitchen is equipped with a 6-burner stove, and induction, oven, microwave, refrigerator, freezer and dishwasher. The utility room also opens out to a terrace overlooking the pool where breakfast, lunch and dinner can be spent.
In front of the villa there is the external lounge under a covered wooden porch perfect to stay al fresco and tast a wine glass waiting watching the sun set and waiting for dinner time.
Each day you can choose to have breakfast on the terrace overlooking the pool or in the shade of horse-chestnut trees, whether to eat your light lunch under the pool-side gazebo or leisurely in your room. After dinner you can sip a long drink the wooden gazebo illuminated.
On request we can served daily breakfast, lunch and dinner, and full staff service with cook, waitres, housekeeping and choice of wine and plants from a list of 4 courses menů.
Location of holiday rental near Florence, Florence/Firenze Province, Tuscany
Holiday Type: | Rural, Town/City, Family |
Local Activities: | Walking, Golf, Horse Riding, Cycling/Mountain Biking, Local Market |
Nearest Airport: | Florence Pisa Bologna |
20km 70km 100km |
Nearest Railway Station: | Firenze | 20km |
Nearest Ferry Port: | Livorno | 80km |
Nearest Bus Station: | Bivio le Corti | 800m |
Nearest Beach: | Forte dei marmi | 100km |
Nearest Pub/Restaurant: | Le Corti | 500m |
Location description
The Villa is on the Chianti hills, at 6 miles (10 km) from Florence, 43 miles (70 km) from Siena and 31 miles (50 km) from Arezzo.
Located in the picturesque Tuscan hills with 6 acres (2 hectares) of fenced property, and a splendid 75 x 36 ft. (25 x 12 mt.) pool, and Hot tub.
1.170,00 ft (350 mt) upper the sea level, in the heart of Tuscany country side.
Give yourself and your family a dream vacation in an exclusive, 45,000 sq.ft. (450 mq) Villa.
Distance from the nearest village (San Donato in Collina or Troghi): 1 mile (1,6 km) (Vegetables, newspaper, bar, restaurant, gasoline station, bakery that make the best "schiacciata" of Florence, grocery, clothes shop, the best butcher’s that you can find, supermarket). Bus service at 0,5 mile (800mt) each hour to Florence.
Distance from golf
18 holes: 6 miles (11 km)
Distance from moulding: 2 miles (3 km)
Mountain bike runs all over
Other activities
In the villa we can arrange:
Tennis lessons in the near tennis club, Yoga lessons in villa, personal trainer in villa,aesthetic treatments in villa, massage in villa, Touristic tour with personal guide
Local events
Giovedě 1° Maggio ore 18.00
Fattoria di Pagnana CONCERTO DEL 1° MAGGIO
A cura della Scuola di Musica di Rignano sull'Arno
Domenica 4 Maggio
Intera giornata - Piazza della Repubblica - Piazza XXVAprile
ore 17.00 - Sala Consiliare del Palazzo Comunale - Inaugurazione
Lunedě 5 Maggio - Intera giornata
Piazza della Repubblica - Piazza XXV Aprile
Mercoledě 7 Maggio ore 10.00
Via della Pieve, piazzale della Scuola Elementare
Inaugurazione della struttura che ospiterŕ il nuovo
Centro Sociale l'Aquilone e la Ludoteca Comunale
Domenica 11 Maggio ore 16.00
San Leolino 1008-2008 - Mille anni della Pieve
Conversazione sulla Pieve di San Leolino
Percorso storico - architettonico a cura dell'ArchitettoPaolo Termini.
Piazza dei Martiri
4^ Coppa AVIS Donatori di Sangue - Corsa ciclisticaamatoriale
da Giovedě 15a Domenica 18 Maggio
Impianti sportivi viaRoma
Stands gastronomici Tipical local food
Sabato 17 Maggio ore16.00
Piazza XXV Aprile
GARA DELLE TORTE a cura del gruppo parrocchiale Notte diNote
Sabato 17 Maggio ore21.00
San Leolino 1008-2008 - Mille anni della Pieve
Concerto per il Millennio della Pieve: canti gregorianieseguiti dal
coro della cattedrale di Fiesole diretto dal maestro
Domenica 18 Maggio
Impianti Sportivi - Via Roma
Sagra del Cinghiale PRANZO DI SOLIDARIETA'
da Giovedě 22a Domenica 25 Maggio
Troghi - Circolo Arci FESTA DI PRIMAVERA
a cura dell'Associazione Casa del Popolo
Stands gastronomici Tipical local food
da Giovedě 22 Maggio a Domenica 25 Maggio
Impianti sportivi - via Roma SAGRA DEL CINGHIALE
Stands gastronomici Tipical local food
da Venerdě 23a Domenica 25 Maggio
Centro Giovani Scuola Media G. Papini - Via della Pieve,Piazza dei Martiri
a cura dell'Associazione Oltre i Limiti e del Comune diRignano sull'Arno.
Sabato 24 e Domenica25 Maggio
San Donato in Collina - Circolo SMS
da Lunedě 26a Sabato 31 Maggio
Figline Valdarno - Teatro Garibaldi
GARIBALDINA 2008 - XII^ rassegna di teatro scuola
nell'ambito dei progetti integrati di area per ildiritto allo studio P.I.A.
Giovedě 29 Maggio Ore21.00
Saggio finale delLaboratorio Teatrale per ragazzi "L'Essere"
da Giovedě 29 Maggio a Sabato 31Maggio
Impianti sportivi - via Roma SAGRA DEL CINGHIALE
Stands gastronomici Tipical local food
Sabato 31 Maggio
Cellai Circolo Arci Sala Iris - SAGRA DEL TARTUFO
Stands gastronomici Tipical local food
Domenica 1 Giugno
Cellai - Circolo Arci Sala Iris SAGRA DEL TARTUFO
Stands gastronomici Tipical local food
Domenica 1 Giugno - Pomeriggio
Centro sociale, via Garibaldi
Domenica 1 e Lunedě 2 Giugno
Impianti sportivi - via Roma
Stands gastronomici Tipical local food
Lunedě 2 Giugno
Lunedě 2 Giugno - Intera giornata
da Giovedě 5a Domenica 8 Giugno
Impianti sportivi - via Roma
Stands gastronomici Tipical local food
da Venerdě 6a Domenica 8 Giugno
Cellai - Circolo Arci Sala Iris SAGRA DEL TARTUFO
Stands gastronomici Tipical local food
Sabato 7 ore 16.30
Cellai - Circolo Arci Sala Iris
Convegno "Tutela e valorizzazione del tartufo scorzone"
da Domenica 8a Domenica 22 Giugno
Impianti sportivi - via Roma Tennis Club
Torneo Provinciale AICS
Domenica 8 Giugno
Bombone - Piazza Ardengo Soffici
Mercoledě 11 Giugno ore 21.15
Cellai - Circolo Arci Sala Iris
Conferenza "Chernobyl a vent'anni dalla catastrofe"
da Giovedě 12a Domenica 15 Giugno
Impianti sportivi - via Roma
Stands gastronomici Tipical local food
da Venerdě 13a Domenica 15 Giugno
Cellai - Circolo Arci Sala Iris SAGRA DEL TARTUFO
Stands gastronomici Tipical local food
Sabato 14 Giugno ore21.00
Giardini di via Indipendenza
Discoteca con i favolosi anni '70
Domenica 15 Giugno ore 21.00
Giardini di via Indipendenza
Giovedě 19 Giugno ore21.30
Piazzale della Chiesa di Santa Maria Immacolata
Spettacolo di burattini con i PUPI DI STAC
da Giovedě 19 aDomenica 22 Giugno
Impianti sportivi - via Roma
Stands gastronomici Tipical local food
da Venerdě 20a Domenica 22 Giugno
Cellai - Circolo Arci Sala Iris SAGRA DEL TARTUFO
Stands gastronomici Tipical local food
Sabato 21 Giugno ore21.00
San Leolino 1008-2008 - Mille anni della Pieve
Pieve di San Leonino - Conferenza sulla figura di SanLeolino
a cura del Prof. Carmelo Mezzasalma della Comunitŕ
di San Leolino di Panzano in Chianti
Giovedě 26 Giugno ore21.30
Piazzale della Chiesa di Santa Maria Immacolata
Spettacolo di burattini con i PUPI DI STAC
da Giovedě 26a Domenica 29 Giugno
Impianti sportivi - via Roma
Stands gastronomici Tipical local food
da Venerdě 27a Domenica 29 Giugno
Cellai - Circolo Arci SAGRA DEL TARTUFO
Stands gastronomici Tipical local food
Mercoledě 9 Luglio ore 21.00
Troghi - Circolo Arci
...e Berta filava! Spettacolo dell'Art in Troghi Group
Sabato 12 Luglio ore21.00
San Leolino 1008-2008 - Mille anni della Pieve
a cura dell'Associazione Amici di Rignano
Lunedě 14 Luglio - pomeriggio e sera
San Donato in Collina - Circolo SMS
da Lunedě 14 Luglio a Domenica 31 Agosto ore 21.00
Impianti sportivi - Via Roma
ESTATE RIGNANESE a cura della U.S.D. Rignanese Calcio
da Giovedě 17a Domenica 20 Luglio
Troghi - Circolo Arci FESTA DELL'AZZURRA a cura
dell'Associazione Casa del Popolo e della Croce Azzurra diTroghi
Stands gastronomici - Tipical local food
Per tutto il mese di Agosto
Impianti sportivi - Via Roma
ESTATE RIGNANESE a cura della U.S.D.Rignanese Calcio
da Sabato 23a Domenica 31 Agosto
Impianti sportivi - Via Roma
dal 28 Agosto al 14 Settembre
Fattorie, ville, chiese del territorio
Giovedě 28 Agosto ore21.15
Fattoria di Pagnana
Fino al 14 Settembre
da Martedě 2a Domenica 7 Settembre
Rosano - Circolo ricreativo bocciodromo
Sabato 27 e Domenica28 Settembre
Impianti sportivi - Via Roma
da Venerdě 26a Martedě 30 Settembre
Piazze e strade cittadine
Tourist attractions
Lovely country side, many romanthic church, luxury shopping at the Mall
From MILAN Bologna by car:
From the A1 Motorway sud direction ROMA, exit at Firenze Sud
Follow the exit to “Greve”
Follow the Greve – Antella direction
Follow the Antella direction
From Antella follow direction for Osteria Nuova
From Osteria Nuova follow direction for San Donato in Collina
Pass through San Donato in Collina (8 km from Firenze sud exit)
1.5 km from San Donato in Collina turn left in the direction of Rignano sull’Arno (if you get to Troghi, you’ve gone too far)
After 400 meters, turn left on to Via del Focardo (if you get to Le Corti, you’ve gone too far)
The Villa is the last gate on your left at the end of the asphalted road - Via del Focardo, 50 (big green gate)
From the South Roma Napols by car:
From the A1 Motorway North direction MILANO, exit at Incisa
Follow the directions for Incisa – Palazzuolo - San Donato
You will pass through: Incisa, Burchio, Palazzuolo, Le Valli, Cellai, Troghi. (15 km from the toll booth)
1 km after Troghi, turn right toward Rignano sull’Arno (if you get to San Donato in Collina, you’ve gone too far)
After 400 meters, turn left on to Via del Focardo (if you get to Le Corti, you’ve gone too far)
The Villa is the last gate on your left at the end of the asphalted road - Via del Focardo, 50 (big green gate)
Accommodation, Facilities and Services
Suitability: | No Smoking, No Pets |
General: | Air conditioning, Central heating, Internet Access, Hairdryer All our weekly rental has included the daily service of cleanings, change of towels and linen at midweek, and the daily continental breakfast |
Bedrooms: | 5 Bedrooms, Sleeps 10 4 Double/s with ensuite, 1 Twin/s with ensuite, 2 Cot/s It's possible add a single bed in the room number 1 to arrive at the total sleeps of 11 |
Bathrooms: | 5 Bathroom/s 5 Shower/s, Jacuzzi/Hot Tub outdoor hot tub with 5 seats 2 chaise longue is an extras charge |
Lounge: | Seating for 12 people TV, Large screen TV, Books/Magazines Ipod ready stereo plant by 80 watt portable bluetoowth |
Dining Area: | Seating for 12 people , High chair in side in the living and outside on the terrace |
Kitchen/Utility: | Oven, Hob, Grill, Fridge, Freezer, Microwave, Kettle, Toaster, Coffee maker, Dishwasher, Washing machine, Ironing board, Iron The kitchen is a very large place to enjoy to cook if you like this art ;-) |
Outdoors: | Swimming Pool, BBQ, Private garden, Balcony, Terrace, Sunloungers, Patio table, Patio chairs, Sunshade, Outside shower gazebo on the pool deck, woodend gazebo in front of villa |
Access: | Car not essential, Wheelchair, Off road parking, Secure parking, Private car park the car is not real essential to relax, we can arrange shuttle to/from airport, visit cities, make shopping |
Services: |
Daily maid, Linen provided, Towels provided, Cleaning included, Cleaning extra, Laundry extra The medium staff service is included, On request there is the fully staff service with some service includes |
Meals: | Breakfast, Lunch, Packed lunches, Evening meal the continental breakfast is included in the price (food, beverage, service) For lunch and dinner the food and beverage are not included |
Facilities in each room: | Ensuite, Internet access, Hairdryer Each room has its own private Terrace with table and chair for your relax time |
Why not write a review?
Reviews submitted by the advertiser
2022/06 CAROL SMITH We recently spent a wonderful week in Villa Gaudia with our family. The villa was spacious, beautifully decorated and surrounded by olive groves and nature.
The highlight was undoubtedly the large swimming pool, where we spent most of our days swimming, relaxing and enjoying long, leisurely lunches. The poolside buffet breakfasts were spectacular, with homemade pastries, fruit, cured meats, cheeses and whatever you could imagine.
Another highlight was the daily dinner, prepared with love and care by the villa's owner Mattia and his team. Fresh seafood pasta, grilled meats, Tuscan panoramis and local wines - every meal felt like a special occasion. Mattia himself is a gem, warm, helpful and always attentive to our every need. He really made us feel at home.
2022/07 JUSTINE HANDABLE We just spent a week at Villa Gaia with our two kids (5 & 8) and had a wonderful time.
The house is spacious and well equipped. The kitchen is large and well stocked. We cooked a couple of dinners at home and at on the patio - wonderful! The rooms are large and the beds comfortable. The house is well situated for day trips to Pisa, Lucca, and Florence. Mattia, is very responsive and helpful. He arranged for us to have dinner at the house the first night we arrived since
2022/08 MARK SPRITZ I recently had the pleasure of spending a week at Villa Gaudia with my friends, and it was nothing short of incredible. The highlight of our stay was undoubtedly the beautiful pool which we used every day to cool off from the Italian sun.
The breakfast provided by the villa was absolutely fantastic, with a wide selection of delicious food that catered to all dietary needs. We also had a special dinner organized for us one evening which exceeded all expectations, showcasing some truly exceptional local cuisine.
However, what really made our stay unforgettable was Mattia, who managed the villa and went above and beyond to ensure we had everything we needed for an enjoyable holiday. He is not only skilled in his work but incredibly friendly and approachable, making us feel right at home throughout our stay
2022/08 BILL WAX I had the pleasure of spending a week with my family at the charming Villa Gaudia. From the moment we arrived, we were captivated by the beauty and warmth of the place, which provided the perfect setting for our holiday.
The villa itself was spacious and elegantly decorated, with enough rooms to comfortably accommodate our group. The highlight, however, was the stunning outdoor pool area. It offered a tranquil oasis where we could relax, swim, and soak up the sun.
Each morning, we were treated to a fantastic breakfast spread, featuring an array of delicious options, from fresh fruit and pastries to savory dishes. The quality and variety ensured that everyone in our group, even the pickiest of eaters, started the day on a high note.
One evening, we had the pleasure of experiencing a special dinner prepared by the villa's staff. The meal was exquisite, .
Period | Per Night | Breakfast Included | Minimum Stay |
May 29th to Sep 31st | €3,300 | Yes | 3 Days |
Oct 1-Dic15th | €2,500 | Yes | 3 Days |
Dic 16th- Jan 10th | €3,300 | Yes | 3 Days |
Jan 11th - Mar31st | €2,500 | Yes | 3 Days |
Apr1st- Apr 15th | €3,300 | Yes | 3 Days |
Apr 16th- may 28th | €2,500 | Yes | 3 Days |
Please Note: Prices may be subject to change at the advertiser's discretion. Currency conversions are not guaranteed to be accurate.
Deposit/Booking Notes
The price includes final cleanings, comsuptions, Hot tub and pool - 1/6- 30/9
The price includes: daily clenanings of baths and rooms, change of towels and linen at midweek, daily continental breakfast.
50% to book, balance 60 days prior the arrival by money transfer,
Deposit damage is requested at the arrivale: 1.500€ by cash
ATTENTION: Extra payments only by cash.
Not incluedes Touristic tax
Availability Calendar

February 2025 | ||||||
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9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 |
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March 2025 | ||||||
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30 | 31 |
April 2025 | ||||||
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27 | 28 | 29 | 30 |
May 2025 | ||||||
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11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 |
18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 |
25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 |
June 2025 | ||||||
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8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 |
15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 |
22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 |
29 | 30 |
July 2025 | ||||||
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13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 |
20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 |
27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 |
August 2025 | ||||||
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10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 |
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24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 |
31 |
September 2025 | ||||||
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7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 |
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21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 |
28 | 29 | 30 |
October 2025 | ||||||
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5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 |
12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 |
19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 |
26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 |
November 2025 | ||||||
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December 2025 | ||||||
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21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 |
28 | 29 | 30 | 31 |
January 2026 | ||||||
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February 2026 | ||||||
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8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 |
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March 2026 | ||||||
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8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 |
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22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 |
29 | 30 | 31 |
April 2026 | ||||||
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5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 |
12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 |
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May 2026 | ||||||
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June 2026 | ||||||
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21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 |
28 | 29 | 30 |
July 2026 | ||||||
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5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 |
12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 |
19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 |
26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 |
August 2026 | ||||||
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1 | ||||||
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9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 |
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30 | 31 |
September 2026 | ||||||
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6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 |
13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 |
20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 |
27 | 28 | 29 | 30 |
October 2026 | ||||||
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4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 |
18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 |
25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 |
November 2026 | ||||||
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8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 |
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29 | 30 |
December 2026 | ||||||
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27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 |
January 2027 | ||||||
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24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 |
31 |
The accuracy of dates shown within this calendar are the sole responsibility of the advertiser. Holidaymakers should not rely on any dates as these cannot be guaranteed. Check with the owner of the property to confirm availability before making a booking.
Owner Details

Owner Name:
Property Ref:
Languages Spoken:
English, Italian
Preferred Contact Method:
No preference
Primary Telephone:
+39 331 6165160
Secondary Telephone:
Owner joined website:
20 February 2009
Property listed since:
21 February 2009
Link to owners website:
Please mention and be aware of time differences if making contact by phone.
Owner Details

Owner Name: Mattia
Property Ref: 01127
Languages Spoken: English, Italian
Preferred Contact Method: No preference
Primary Telephone: +39 331 6165160
Secondary Telephone: +393316165160
Owner joined website: 20 February 2009
Property listed since: 21 February 2009
Link to owners website:
Please mention and be aware of time differences if making contact by phone.
This form may be used for genuine enquiries about renting this property only. It is strictly prohibited to use this form for any other purpose including unsolicited commercial marketing.
You should not rely on this advert as a statement of fact. does not inspect or manage the property displayed. Advert content is provided by the owner or agent and may be edited by, before being published in good faith. Holidaymakers should make their own checks before signing any rental agreement or making any payment.