Guestbook Reviews for Property Ref 03275
Casa Rosa, Abruzzo, Italy
Displaying 1 comments of 1 submitted
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Fantastic Holiday
Thank you so much for all your support and your emails regarding Casa Rosa. We enjoyed our time in Bugnara very much. It is a beautiful place and Casa Rosa was a good base to explore the area. Your instructions on how to find the place were excellent. We also found the visitor's book and suggestions regarding things to do and places to go very helpful. You are doing a brilliant job. We will most certainly recommend Casa Rosa to friends of ours.
Edward Thomas (Swansea, Wales)04/07/12
May 2012
Older/Mature, Tranquility, Art/Culture, Food/Wine, Sightseeing/History, Guests without a Car
Reviews are the subjective opinion of a holiday maker and not the opinion of team. We do not guarantee the accuracy of comments. Negative comments may not be displayed - this is entirely at the Owners/Agents discretion, however we provide a total number of comments submitted to help you to make a more informed opinion.